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Katrina Ramos

LMT / NTP / CYT200 / Reiki II Practitioner

Katrina Ramos is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Yoga Instructor with more than 200 hours of extensive training and a Reiki Practitioner of The Usui System of Natural Healing. She gravitated towards becoming a bodyworker and holistic health advocate because she believes that every human deserves to live a fulfilling life free of pain and suffering. By offering an environment that is safe and comfortable, her purpose is to help clients find natural relief and relaxation in mind, body and soul. She is also in pursuit of educating and empowering her clients, friends and family about the importance of bio-individual nutrition.

While going through an intense transformation on her personal journey, Katrina turned to yoga and mother nature to feel connected to herself again. After attending her first yoga class, she fell in love with the practice, the flow and the clarity it brought into her life and she discovered that movement, stillness, community and the call of the wild was soul-nourishing. As she cultivated a healthier lifestyle, Katrina continued to show up on her mat and one morning realized that she wanted to share the gift of yoga with others.

This led her to Arcana, a healing arts center in Portland, Maine where she found her fellow yogi tribe and completed the Bliss Body Yoga teacher training. In this restorative “cocoon” she also received her first reiki attunement (a magical experience she will never forget) and obtained a Shoden Level 1 Reiki Certification. What she really enjoyed about being a yoga teacher was that it gave her the ability to hold space for others. By offering mindful movement in a welcoming, judge-free environment, this profession encouraged her to use her sensitivity and empathy. 

Later on, while Katrina was working at a local day spa as a receptionist, she was exposed to the healing effects of massage first hand in the clients that came through. The difference in moods from when people arrived compared to after treatment was profound to her. She witnessed people coming in that were visibly stressed and in pain from modern day life and soon after were transformed into a beautiful, blissful state. Observing this energetic shift in the guests motivated her to want to help others feel better through massage as well. So with a leap of faith, she applied to Spa Tech Institute in Westbrook, Maine and graduated from the 600 Hour Therapeutic Massage Program.

From there, she gained experience working alongside highly skilled chiropractors and acupuncturists and then went on to study the Traditional Japanese style of bodywork, called Ashiatsu and is still continuing to hone her craft of barefoot massage.

Her curiosity about alternative wellness and the different approaches to inner healing has currently led her to completing the Nutritional Therapy Program with the NTA. Katrina is passionate about helping people improve their quality of life by guiding them with nutritional and lifestyle support and is eager to share her love for simple, healthy cooking!

Now more than ever, real connection and healing is needed in the world. Katrina believes that we are all on a unique journey to finding peace and her mission is to support you on your quest. In addition, she aims to recognize and treat the deep underlying roots of each client’s issues with compassion and patience. Katrina continues to be a life-long yoga student, a lover of nature and is inspired by the transformation of energy work, the healing effects of touch and the power of food as medicine. She currently resides in Brunswick, Maine.
